Yesterday morning our power was out. As a stay-at-home-mom almost everything I do through out the day uses electricity! The obvious things are the TV and computer... but it's when the power is out for a length of time do you really realize how dependant our society is on electricity! Just about everything I thought about doing while we were without power... NEEDED electricity! I even thought about making a craft that I've been wanting to do... got out all the supplies and realized I needed the hot glue gun! So, instead I decided to get out the camera and play around. My two youngest boys were playing so nice and quietly by the window... they became my subjects. The impromptu session only lasted a few minutes but what I captured in that time was priceless (well to me, their mommy, it is)!
This story begins with a little boy who loves to put together puzzles...
He just sits quietly, contemplating and piecing one by one...
Getting more and more proud of himself as he places a piece correctly...
From every angle his mom photographs him. He pays no attention to her.
His 4 year old hands coordinating beautifully together...
Until the final piece is set in place...
He did it! He's so proud of himself! UNTIL....
His puzzle fell apart...
The look of disappointment and despair made his mothers heart sad for her son.
She suggested to him that by it falling apart it gave him the opportunity to put it together again!
He gladly went back to work at completing the puzzle for a 2nd time... and everyone lived happily ever after... especially once the power came back on!
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